Welcome to: The ID Multitool

A carpenter uses a hammer, an instructional designer uses …. A whole bunch of stuff. But usually not a hammer. 

In this blog, I describe and rate tools I have used in my role as an Instructional Designer. The purpose is to build a community resource - a shared “toolbox” - you can open up and use in your own work as an Instructional Designer. 

For this series, I’m considering a tool to be anything that helps you do your job better - it could be a process, a model, or a piece of technology. 

Important note: I’m going to stick to free, simple tools that work in a variety of contexts. This is not the place for Articulate Storyline tutorials, because the world is full of those.

Models, templates, processes, and even checklists are all in my toolbox. These are tools I use at work, in personal projects, or have explored in-depth as part of my mission to continually improve as a designer. 

So dig around in my toolbox and find new ways to be a more effective Instructional Designer!


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