Using a Logic Model to Kick off a New Project
The Tool: W.K. Kellogg’s Logic Model
The purpose:
Imagine: You’ve been hearing things for a while about how “Our organization should change Program X” and “Our users have been requesting feature Y.” But you do not get any more details - What, exactly, should be changed about program X? What impact does feature Y have on the organization as a whole?
You could sit, twiddle your thumbs, and wait for a directive to come down that you suddenly need to build a brand-new learning program, and oh, by the way, the deadline for deployment was yesterday.
OR - You could get a jump start on the collaborative process with your SMEs and Stakeholders early, and ensure everyone has a shared understanding of the Inputs/Resources, Activities, Outputs, Outcomes, and Impacts of learning program changes.
Enter: W.K. Kellogg’s Logic Model
Use Case:
Kellogg’s Logic Model is a tool for organizations (specifically those in the non-profit sector, but it works in the for-profit space as well) to communicate their theory of change and evaluate their programs. It narrows the scope of proposed changes and asks SMEs and Stakeholders to paint a realistic picture of what they are proposing when they call for program changes.
You should start by reviewing this introduction to the theory and purpose of the Logic Model. I recommend chapters 1 and 2.
Once you have the basics down, you can use this Logic Model Template for a linear logic model. Not all logic models have to be linear, but I like this one because it all fits on one page.
Then, you have a couple of options to proceed:
Option 1: Write, then validate
To develop the logic model, you might start with what you know about the program - try to start with the intended impacts and work backwards.
Bring this proposal to the primary decision makers. Ask them “what did I miss?” “What changes should we make?” “Does this align with your vision for the program?”
Beware of promising more work than you can deliver - this is where quantifiable inputs are key.
Option 2: Develop collaboratively
If you are not sure where to start you can take this framework into a meeting with SMEs and Stakeholders. Ask them to articulate the outputs, outcomes and impact first, and then work backwards into the planned inputs and activities. If you have access to a whiteboard wall or a big piece of flip chart paper and markers, the exercise can be more tactile and writing easier to edit.
If the outcomes of the conversation start to lose focus, ask targeted questions:
How do your stakeholders want to quantify the impacts of this program? Are they thinking in terms of learner retention? Training costs? Processing Errors? Ask them to articulate the goal numerically if possible.
If you are lucky enough to have a project manager on your team, involve them in the activities section of the model. Ask them “What deadlines make sense?” “How can we chunk this work into manageable pieces?” “What is our communication plan to deploy these changes, and who will be responsible for it?”
When you have a valid logic model for the proposed changes, you should be able to draw a straight line between the project inputs (aka the work you will be doing), and the project impacts (aka what changes will happen at the organizational level). You may find out that the proposed changes to the program do NOT have the impact your stakeholders anticipated, or they are not worth the cost of development and deployment.
If that is the case, it is better to find out early, rather than halfway through the project!
The Pros:
A Logic Model requires buy-in from stakeholders and clear communication skills from the individual in charge of developing it. If deployed correctly, it can save you time, and your organization money, both of which are value-adds in the learning space.
The Cons:
A Logic Model is only as useful as its contents. Logic Models that do not clearly articulate the impact of proposed changes are not effective, and can end up gathering dust in a drawer while you, the designer, end up running around putting out fires and responding to “emergency” program changes.
If you do not have the right people in the room when you develop the Logic Model, it can be set up to fail. While it may be helpful to start the process by filling in the sections yourself, you need to be open to feedback and willing to make changes. Avoid playing “instructional dictator” and know that it is likely bringing this up to leadership will result in you becoming the de-facto leader on a new project.
The Takeaways:
Kellogg’s Logic Model is an Instructional Design Multitool that helps you, and your stakeholders plan instructional program changes based on their intended outcomes and impacts.