What’s the point of this meeting?

The Tool: Approach your SME meeting with a plan! 

The use case: 

I see a lot of posts on Instructional Design Reddit (P.S. if you’re new to the field, this is a great place to learn more about the industry) with some version of “I have my first SME/Stakeholder meeting and I don’t know how to start!” 

Before you set up the meeting, ask yourself - 

What do you hope to get out of this meeting? 

  • Is it to clarify the objectives? 

  • Uncover performance gaps? 

  • Ensure your training is aligned with the organizational goals? 

  • Prioritize the content they have given you? 

  • Clarify the project plan? 

Each goal requires a different set of questions, but here are some to get you started. Review these questions before you meet with your SMEs or Stakeholders.

Questions that establish objectives 

  • What is the purpose of the proposed training?

    • (e.g. Is it for them to learn a new system, process, or role? Is it to introduce a change in the organizational structure? Is it to establish a skill set?)  

  • Why do learners need this training? What would be the consequences if they do not perform as expected?

  • If I was doing [role/activity/task], what is the most important thing I need to know?   

  • If I was doing [role/activity/task], who could I ask for help? (this helps establish if there are other SMEs you should be talking to)

Questions that uncover performance gaps  

  • What are people currently doing? What do we want them to do?  

  • What is the biggest challenge of this role? How do high performers overcome that challenge?  

  • What does a high-performing [role name] do? What do they delegate to others?  

  • Ask the The Five Whys (pairs well with a fishbone diagram)  

Questions that help with alignment  

  • Are there any upcoming organizational initiatives I should know about that may impact this training? 

  • In your mind how does [learning objectives] align with [overall performance goal]? 

    • Explain the connection as if I were a [example learner].  

Questions that help prioritize content (these are great when you have a storyboard ready) 

  • At the end of this [training, session, activity], what do you want participants to say they learned? 

  • I have presented [number] key topic areas for this [session/module]. Which one would you say is the most important? 

Project Planning Questions (these are useful if you also wear a ‘project planner’ hat in your organization)

  • What other teams are supporting this project? What is their availability? (days, number of hours)  

  • Who needs to sign off on the finished product?  

  • What is your ideal launch date?  

  • What communications need to go out prior to launch? 

Instructional Designers - What is your favorite question to ask SMEs or Stakeholders?


Program Planning with Ideation Meetings


Using a Logic Model to Kick off a New Project